by NN-RMS-01-Taper | Apr 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
In the letter to Mr. Vincent Piket, EU ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, the RMS government makes an official statement that the CEPA treaty, the trade agreement between the EU and Indonesia, cannot apply to illegally occupied RMS territory. Dutch version...
by NN-RMS-01-Taper | Apr 8, 2021 | Mensen, Nieuws, Uncategorized
4 more Moluccans arrested without any reason: Janni Josapat Workala Marlon Lesilolo Maurits Workala Pieter Likumahua After being arrested on 7 April, Alexander Dominggus Workala currently is nowhere to be found. He is not at the local police stations and his...
by NN-RMS-01-Taper | Apr 7, 2021 | Mensen, Nieuws
As part of a campaign to keep oppressing the Moluccan people, Dominggus Workala (37) was arrested by heavily armed Indonesian militaries today in Piru, West Seram, only for the possession of a RMS flag. Events like this clearly illustrate that Indonesia disrespects...